Help us
keep the
Consider supporting The Lyric Band - There are lots of ways you can help!
Did you know that our Patrons and Business Sponsors are absolutely vital to help The Lyric Band present its yearly concert season? Your personal or your business' contribution will help us achieve our mission of keeping the music playing in Hanover. Donations of any amount are always graciously accepted and appreciated at any time. And your contribution is TAX-DEDUCTIBLE! The Lyric Band is a 501 (C) 3 IRS recognized charity.
To donate, you may click the DONATE button
or send a check payable to "The Lyric Band" and mail it to:
Lyric Band of Hanover
PO Box 111
Hanover, PA 17331
Consider becoming one of our Patrons!

Platinum Patron $300
Diamond Patron $150
Gold Patron $75
Silver Patron $50
Friend of the Lyric $25
Advertise your business with us!
Business Listing
1/4 Page
4.75" x 1.75"
1/2 Page
4.75" x 3.75"
Full Page
4.75" x 7.5"
Inside Back Cover*
4.75" x 7.5"
Inside Front Cover*
4.75" x 7.5"
Outside Back Cover*
4.75" x 7.5"

*Available on a first come, first served basis determined by the date when ad is received.